Business and Management

A report on Balenciaga

· Element2: An individual report(2000words)50%ofunit grade.
· The Context: Kering Group: Choose your brand:
· Assume the role of a brand consultant for the luxury fashion company (a Kering company) [Balenciaga]
Indicative Element 2 Report Structure:
For your report, you should follow the structure and indicative content as outlined here:
· Executive Summary (approx. 300 words, not included in the 2000-word limit) Provide a brief overview of your analysis report indicating the key findings from the analysis and the strategic recommendation.
· Introduction (approx. 300 words) Introduce the brand report, its aims and mission statement and briefly describe the context of the brand analysis. Provide the purpose of the report, your aims and objectives, how you will investigate the topic, some data/ information, and the associated limitations.
· Case Analysis (approx. 850 words) Identify the key issue/ challenges and/or opportunities for the brand by analysing the brand’s internal environment and external environment (micro and macro factors). Your analysis, evaluation and critical thinking should be evidenced with research. You should also include theoretical frameworks and concepts that are introduced in the seminars and your previous studies.
· The analysis should be based on academic and reputable business sources, including academic journals / case studies / reports / Mintel / Drapers etc.
· Strategic Recommendation / Solution (approx.850 words) Present and discuss the comprehensive strategic recommendation / solution to rejuvenate the brand. Provide a detailed explanation / rationale that underpins the selection of your strategic recommendation / solution. You can also provide justification for your recommendation / solution. Presented as a consultant, this section should be realistic and valuable to the executive board of the brand and should be based on the case analysis section research. This should include costings and timelines supported with a critical path to execution. You can also provide a brief outline on how to implement your strategic recommendation and any challenges the firm might face during this process. Consider brand extension, internationalisation, sustainability, retailing and marketing strategies if applicable and digitally mockup your proposals.
· References (not included in the 2000-word limit) Ensure that you use Harvard Referencing for all visual and written referenced material. Here include all sources used for your additional research beyond the case study.


Approximately 250 words


persuasion is a necessary tool for employee retention as it can help motivate employees to stay in their positions.

Use these writing notes as a way to gather your thoughts and determine your strategy for writing your persuasive essay. This process will allow you to develop a potential structure for effectively persuading readers to agree with your argument. Additionally, these notes will help keep your thought processes on track when you begin writing and revising your essay.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Describe the argument to be addressed in your persuasive essay. Explain how the argument relates to your major, the major you are considering pursuing, or your field of work.
Make certain your topic is debatable. Are you able to see at least two perspectives to this argument?
Identify the potential challenges you may encounter in supporting your argument with a specific audience.
First, state the audience you will be writing to.
Then address the challenges of supporting your argument with this audience.
Establish a goal that you hope to accomplish with this essay. What will this essay need to successfully meet your goal?
Determine three key points that will help support your argument.
Provide a brief description of at least two resources that support the key points of your argument.
First, list the authors and titles of each resource. These resources may be books or articles you identified in a previous assignment.
Then provide a brief description of how each resource may reinforce your argument.
Explain how you plan to effectively integrate evidence in the essay.


Approximately 250 words


military security

1A) Discuss military threats to the security of a country. 1B) Give a real-life example. 1C) What would you describe as the most pressing military threat in life?


Approximately 250 words

Environmental Science

Ecology Online Simulation – Lab

Measuring species interactions and resulting population changes can be challenging. It often requires intensive field work over several seasons and locations, extensive funding, and numerous skilled scientists. Simulations allow us to learn about species interactions and population dynamics through play and exploration. This ecological simulation is an opportunity to experiment with species interactions in order to learn about different potential outcomes. Responses to follow-up questions should be based on the simulation results and content from your textbook, as well as other scholarly or credible sources.


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations

The truth about violence

Instructions for the assignment are attached.
Incase you need a log in for films on demand you can use this one:
Films on demand login
Username: Tiffany547
Password: FilmsonDemand547 F and D is capitalized


Approximately 250 words


Topic Proposal and Problem Statement

Present and discuss a topic that you are interested in researching for this course. (Early Pregnancy) Explain why this topic interests you. Provide a brief background of the topic and speculate on arguments you could pose or problems you could solve. Additionally, draft a potential problem statement.opic Proposal and Problem Statement
No unread replies. No replies.


Approximately 250 words



Visit the EPA website at the following link: EPA Website
Address each of the following items in your written assignment:
1. Browse through the website and provide a summary of how the website is organized, the resources it provides, and your general impressions about the agency.
2. As you review the regulations issued by the EPA and the administrative structure of the EPA, do you form any opinions about the sheer size of the EPA as an administrative agency? What are the advantages and disadvantages of bureaucracies of this size?
3. Identify three areas of the website that would be helpful to you in working as an administrative law paralegal and explain how/why these specific areas would be helpful to you.
4. What type of control, if any, does President Biden have over the EPA? Support your answer with information from Chapters 1 and 2 of your text.


Approximately 250 words


Processfolio #1

In this course, you will research a topic of your choice and write an APA style proposal for a research study in your discipline. The process of developing your research proposal will take place over the duration of the course, and by the end of the course, you will have a complete research proposal to submit.
For this first milestone, you will complete Processfolio #1. Since there is a lot that goes into designing a sound research study, this Processfolio document is intended to guide you through your research study proposal.
Your Processfolio is intended to evolve throughout the course based on your self-assessments and feedback from your instructor. You are expected to make changes based on your instructor’s feedback.
For Processfolio #1, you will brainstorm two potential topics that you are interested in conducting research on and reflect on them prior to making a decision about which you want to pursue. Specifically, you will need to develop a research question and hypothesis for each of your topics. For a refresher on how to develop research questions and hypotheses, please visit the Excelsior OWL pages linked below:
Narrowing & Developing Links to an external site.: This part of the OWL will walk you through how to narrow down your topic enough to develop a solid research question.
Research HypothesesLinks to an external site.
Fill out and submit your completed Processfolio #1 Download Processfolio #1for this activity.

Narrowing & Developing

Research Hypotheses


Approximately 250 words

American History

Compare two poems

The goal of this assignment is to compare two poems. Compare (don’t contrast!) works of
the poetry. Compare the specific elements of the poems such as theme, tone, language, and
speaker. Include the stanza number of the poem while referring to a specific stanza.
Minimum words: 500


Approximately 250 words


An overview of the Changing Financial Services Sector

The instructions are located in the attachements below thank you. Please do not send promtions to my school email. Thank you.


Approximately 250 words