
icon Ethical Issues

Ethical Issues
Identify and discuss at least two potential ethical issues that could be of concern for nurses with telehealth delivered care.
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.


Approximately 250 words


Module 3 Activity

In today’s activity, we gain a better understanding of different forms of information technology as well as practice framing arguments and ideas!
Step 1: Choose an Analog Information Technology
It can be any type of technology, as long as it classifies as analog
If you are unsure whether it is an analog information technology, try searching up online to confirm!
Step 2: Write a 1-2 minute speech. It could have a structure like this:
[Technology] is superior in analog form
Two or more reasons why it’s better than digital
Two or more rebuttals to arguments that digital is better
But use whatever argument structure works for you.
Step 3: Post your speech for credit (100-150 words)
Step 4: Comment on 3 posts for credit (25-50 words each)
Discuss whether you agree with the student’s choice of analog
If you disagree, provide a counterargument!


Approximately 250 words


How politics play apart in criminal justice and how the social climate affects policies

an essay about how politics play apart in criminal justice and how the social climate affects policies
there’s no rubric. just has to be 250 words, double spaced about How does the existing social climate affect policies? and What role does politics play in the development of criminal justice policies?


Approximately 250 words


Policy Issue Paper | Presentation #1: Policy Problem Background & Summary

STEP 1: You will deliver a presentation summarizing the background of the policy problem you selected for your Policy Issue Paper. While elements of this background will be included in your final oral briefing (Presentation 3), this presentation will be solely dedicated to the policy problem background. This will be a detailed summary describing the problem, prior efforts to solve the problem, the significance of the policy problem, and why there is a need for analysis. You should use this presentation as an opportunity to get as much feedback from your classmates and instructor to help you improve your Policy Issue Paper and oral briefing (Presentation 3).
Additionally, generate a set of at least three PowerPoint slides and a set of accompanying speaker notes and summary. You are free to use any citation style but be consistent and accurate.
STEP 2: Provide peer feedback to at least two of your classmates. You are free to submit your peer feedback to the discussion board
You will submit these items via the discussion board assignment


Approximately 250 words


Discussion Board 2

How does Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses complement Renaissance humanism? In other words, how is it similar to the work in Unit 1 and how does it differ? You also might consider the differences between the paintings of the Italian Renaissance (unit 1) and the paintings of the Northern Renaissance (unit 2) to see the different tones and temperaments of the different forms of the Renaissance. Due: January 15
These sources apply for the discussion post 2 above->
The unit 1 material that is mentioned above that is needed to be used to relate to this assignement is also linked below to have complete background to complete the assignment
The previous discussion post -> How is Pico Della Mirandola’s view of man consistent with the view of any one of the paintings from unit 1? In other words, how do you see Pico Della Mirandola’s understanding of “humanism” as being represented in the art work? Give specific evidence from the readings and from the art work. Due: January 12
links ->


Approximately 250 words



Reflect on what you have learned over the course of this class.
In a minimum of six paragraphs, address the following:
What topic(s) in this course affected you the most?
What type of learner are you? How will your learning style fit each of the modalities that WCU offers (face to face/fully online/blended)?
What are your academic strengths and weaknesses?
Examples: test taking, writing papers, conducting research, using APA, time management, staying organized, using technology, understanding assignment instructions
How do you plan on accentuating your strengths and working on your weaknesses?
What are the benefits of working collaboratively on interprofessional teams?
Your paper must include the following in APA format:
Title page
Introduction (one paragraph)
Body (at least four paragraphs, including APA citations of at least one scholarly source)
Double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman
Clear method of organization
Focused topic sentences
Transitions between paragraphs
Conclusion (one paragraph)
Reference page (include at least one scholarly source)


Approximately 250 words


Policy Issue Paper | Milestone #1: Statement

You will select a contemporary policy problem related to one of the larger policy areas outlined in the textbook (Chapters 10-15) to guide your Policy Issue Paper from:
Christopher A. Simon (2017). Public Policy: Preferences and Outcomes. 3rd Edition. New York: Routledge.
Submit a one paragraph statement about which policy area or problem you intend to examine and 5 references. This will be the basis of your first presentation.
Your selected policy problem should be narrowly defined so as to make the paper more manageable.
For example, if you are interested in environmental policy, then you should select a problem such as “improving groundwater quality for farmers in the Cumberland Valley” rather than “improving global water quality.” The more narrowly defined the problem, the more manageable will be writing the paper. In order to help facilitate a quality paper, your policy issue paper will be “turned in” for assessment at several critical points throughout the semester.
GRADING CRITERIA: For grading complete details, please review the attached rubric. The following criteria will be used to evaluate submissions.
Writing quality: Did you take your policy issue to task? Demonstrate that you have clearly thought about the material and raise interesting arguments, solutions, and/or problems that respond to the instructions/questions on the prompt.
Writing clarity: Was the paper readable and well organized? Clear of grammatical and spelling errors, organized, and flows well.
References: Did you use appropriate readings and or other course materials in your work? Reference evidence with consistent & accurate use of citations* both in-text and in a bibliography at the end. Assignment prompt is for 5 quality references.


Approximately 250 words


Summary of chapter

instructions will be on the photo
chapter 22 reading link


Approximately 250 words


reply post

he role nurse plays in COVID vaccination mandate, telemedicine, and prescription drug pricing as advocates in the healthcare system.
Nurses are in a prime position to significantly contribute to healthcare reform that would increase public health and save costs. They are the largest healthcare professionals and have direct patient contact, making them ideal advocates for positive change within the healthcare system. Considering the COVID-19 epidemic, nurses have been instrumental in the vaccination mandate, playing a key role in educating the public about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines and administering the vaccines themselves. For example, according to a recent study, the Vaccination of healthcare workers against COVID-19 was associated with a decrease in virus transmission within healthcare settings. (Katchamart, et al. 2020)
Telemedicine is another area where nurses have the potential to lead the way in promoting access to care and reducing healthcare costs. By connecting patients with healthcare providers remotely, nurses can help improve access to care for individuals in rural or underserved areas and reduce unnecessary in-person visits. According to a recent study, remote consultations for minor health problems resulted in significant cost savings and high patient satisfaction rates (Bach et al. 2021).
Finally, nurses are well-positioned to advocate for prescription drug pricing reform. They have a strong understanding of the medications they prescribe and administer and are in a unique position to understand the financial burden that high drug prices place on patients and the healthcare system. According to a study conducted by National Nurses United in 2019, states that Medication prices are driving up healthcare costs, and nurses see firsthand how this hits patients with fixed incomes and those who are uninsured or underinsured. (National Nurses United, 2019). Nurses play a key role in COVID-19 Vaccination mandates, Telemedicine, and prescription drug pricing as they have direct contact with patients and can influence the public on the safety and efficacy of vaccines and their potential to reduce healthcare costs.
One relevant Student Learning Outcome related to the Discussion Topic is “Determine the effects of healthcare policy on nursing roles and healthcare delivery.” This outcome seeks to understand how national, state and local policies shape how nurses practice and how healthcare is delivered to patients. Understanding healthcare policies is crucial for nurses as it allows them to understand the impact of these policies on nursing roles and healthcare delivery and how it affects their ability to provide high-quality care to patients.
The learning outcome can be explored by examining the impact of telemedicine policies on nursing roles and healthcare delivery. Telemedicine has become increasingly important in healthcare delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. A recent study found that remote consultations for minor health problems resulted in significant cost savings and high patient satisfaction rates (Bach et al. 2021). This highlights the importance of telemedicine as a tool for nurses to provide care remotely and improve access to healthcare, particularly in rural or underserved areas. However, more policy support is needed to ensure that nurses and other healthcare providers have the necessary training and resources to use telemedicine in their practice effectively.
Healthcare policies impacting nursing roles and healthcare delivery related to prescription drug pricing. According to a study by National Nurses United in 2019, nurses are in a unique position to understand the financial burden that high drug prices place on patients and the healthcare system as a whole and how it impacts nurses’ ability to provide care for their patients, and how it affects the nursing practice and role in the healthcare system.
In conclusion, nurses must comprehend how healthcare policy affects nursing duties and healthcare delivery. It allows them to understand how policies at different levels shape nursing practice and how it affects healthcare delivery. This knowledge is important for nurses to be better equipped to advocate for policies that support providing high-quality care to patients.
Katchamart, W., Chiang, C. Y., Lim, W., Chan, P., Wiwanitkit, V., & Limkittikul, K. (2020). Impact of healthcare worker vaccination on reducing SARS-CoV-2 transmission in health-care settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Global Health, 8(12), e1589-e1598.
Bach, J., Moddel, G., Gress, D., Zink, T., & Brenner, T. (2021). Telemedicine for minor health problems: a cost-saving and patient-satisfying alternative. Journal of medical Internet research, 23(3), e28155.
National Nurses United. (2019). Medication Prices. National Nurses United.


Approximately 250 words


Cultural Communication Practices Paper Proposal

Throughout this course, you will be drafting and revising a research paper that connects specific cultural communication patterns or practices to the history, values, and beliefs of that culture. You should focus on a culture of which you are not a member (e.g., you would not research GCU cultural communication patterns because you are a member of the GCU community).
For this assignment, you will submit a 150 words proposal about the patterns or practices you wish to study. In addition to the proposal, you must include the APA citation and a 50-75 words summary of three sources you might use in your final paper. You must complete social science research for cultural communication practice. You may also ask your instructor for guidance on appropriate sources.
This is not an all-inclusive list and you are free to pick any pattern or practice in collaboration with your instructor. Notice that each of these articles addresses a communication issue and links it to cultural distinctiveness. The focus of your paper is to present research on the history, beliefs, and values of a cultural group and give examples of communication patterns or practices that are influenced by these histories, beliefs, and/or values.


Approximately 250 words