
Select an ethnic minority group that is represented in the United States (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander). Please, follow the instructions below… i

Select an ethnic minority group that is represented in the United States (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander). Using health information available from Healthy People, the CDC, and other relevant government websites, analyzes the health status for this group.
In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words, compare and contrast the health status of your selected minority group to the national average. Include the following:
1. Describe the ethnic minority group selected. Describe the current health status of this group. How do race and ethnicity influence health for this group?
2. What are the health disparities that exist for this group? What are the nutritional challenges for this group?
3. Discuss the barriers to health for this group resulting from culture, socioeconomics, education, and sociopolitical factors.
4. What health promotion activities are often practiced by this group?
5. Describe at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) that is likely to be the most effective in a care plan given the unique needs of the minority group you have selected. Provide an explanation of why it might be the most effective choice.
6. What cultural beliefs or practices must be considered when creating a care plan? What cultural theory or model would be best to support culturally competent health promotion for this population? Why?
Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Approximately 250 words


Altered Breathing Patterns

To identify maladaptive breathing patterns and intervene as necessary
Explain care for the client with upper respiratory disorders.
Read the scenarios, and answer the questions that follow each. Please cite any sources using APA format.
Scenario # 1
A 45-year-old male comes to the ER unconscious. A co-worker went to check on him when he did not show up for work and found him unconscious. The client is a type one diabetic. His respirations are 36, and his breath has a “fruity” scent. His respirations are both deep and rapid. Labs are drawn, and his glucose is 1024.
Why does this client have rapid, deep respirations and “fruity” smelling breath? (5-10 sentences)
Scenario # 2
A 94-year-old in long-term-care is terminally ill and has been placed on hospice care. Her family summons you because her breathing has become erratic. You observe periods of rapid, deep respirations followed by periods of apnea.
What should the nurse do next? (5-10 sentences)
Scenario # 3
A 64-year-old male comes via car to the clinic where you are working. His wife reports he has been having “trouble breathing” for the past several days, but today it is much worse. The client is unable to speak and appears very anxious. His respiratory rate is 48.
What is the priority nursing intervention? (5-10 sentences)
Scenario # 4
A 22-year-old female arrives to urgent care. Her mother reports she thinks the client is having trouble breathing and that it started after she broke up with her boyfriend. The client is crying. Her respiratory rate is 36.
What is the most appropriate nursing intervention? (5-10 sentences)
Scenario # 5
You are the medication nurse on a medical-surgical unit. You arrive to the room of a 28- year-old female who was admitted for opiate overdose and substance abuse disorder. You find the client in bed, unresponsive with a respiratory rate of 4.
What is the priority nursing intervention? (5-10 seconds)


Approximately 250 words


Mental health

on information they researched on the internet?
Standard 5D: New medications are frequently developed and released. What strategies will you use to remain current in your knowledge of new psychopharmacologic options for your clients? What resources exist to help you?
Provide an example of how you would apply each of the selected standards in your future practice.
Integration of Evidence: Integrate relevant scholarly sources as defined by program expectations.
Cite a scholarly source in the initial post.
Cite a scholarly source in one faculty response post.
Cite a scholarly source in one peer post.
Accurately analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles from evidence with no more than one short quote (15 words or less) for the week.
Include a minimum of two different scholarly sources per week. Cite all references and provide references for all citations.


Approximately 250 words


Personal Statement

Hi dear.
You have done many essays editing for me. I submitted the last one you did for me for USF. Now I need one for San Francisco (SF) State University. Also, their set of questions is a little different. I need the USF part to be replaced with info about SF State. I need to have a touching paper for admission as this major is competitive. You write amazingly. Thank you
(I volunteered at Kaiser Hospital and Had Internship at Kaiser OB/GYM department. Also reffered to SF State by a couple of Physicians and nurses.)
• Personal Statement
All applicants must address the following personal statement questions in a 500 word essay.
1) Describe the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse program of study you are interested in as it relates to your career goals.
2) Explain why you are seeking a degree from SF State.
3) How do you anticipate this program will assist your goals?
4) What contributions do you foresee adding to the field of nursing?
5) What special attributes will you bring to the nursing profession?
School of Nursing
The School of Nursing educates and empowers nurses to be agents of change to transform health care. We commit to co-create change by deconstructing, disrupting, and dismantling systems of oppression through the nursing profession. We foster evidence-based nursing, ethical decision-making, sound clinical judgment, leadership and holistic compassionate care using a justice perspective. We promote diversity in the nursing workforce and commit to recruit, retain, support, nurture, and mentor our students, faculty, and staff to support equity and inclusion.


Approximately 250 words


substance abuse

Purpose of Assignment:
To differentiate between substance abuse and addiction disorders by demonstrating an understanding of the disease processes and providing an educational tool for client and family.
Select a substance abuse disorder to create a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to educate a client and/or family member regarding the disorder. You may select from the following:
The goal of the FAQ is to provide answers to frequently asked questions and to help an individual understand the
Describe signs and symptoms (behavioral and physical) of addiction
Signs and symptoms of the selected substance abuse disorder
Available treatment/therapy options
Resources for the client and individual family members
Interventions/actions to help individual family member with the disorder
Reference list for any sources used for the creation of the FAQ
The FAQ should be written in such a way that the client and family members can easily understand the provided information. Resources from local community should be provided, research support offered near you.


Approximately 250 words


Project week 2

Here is the link of the video to watch to fully understand this project:
The area that i would like to do the project on is:
Certification: CNOR (Certified Nurse – Operating Room)
Target population: Operating room registered nurses
Setting: Operating room
Directions for Part 1
Review the Direct Care Project Overview above.
View the Direct Care Project Part 1 Tutorial (Click here to view) Links to an external site..Download the Direct Care
Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis template under Templates below.
Please address the following areas on the provided template: State the clinical certification and target population including setting that were approved by your instructor in the Week 2: Direct Care Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis Check-In.
Thorough discussion of why this certification was selected in relationship to the selected setting
Describe the criteria for selected clinical certification
Process to obtain clinical certification
Cost of application and testing
Requirements prior to certification
Examination description
Renewal time and process
Required items for renewal
Provide APA reference for one peer-reviewed scholarly professional nursing journal article connecting patient outcomes, certification, and leadership skills.
From Chamberlain Library
CINAHL or ProQuest
Note: Do not use CINAHL Guides or Evidence-Based Care Sheets
Full Text only
No more than 5 years old
In English
Include the permalink
For more information on finding Permalinks in the Chamberlain Library, see Learn the Library and Finding PermalinksLinks to an external site.
Reference must be use APA format including author(s), year, article title, journal name, volume number, issue number, page numbers, italics, parentheses, punctuation, double line spacing, and hanging indent. Include DOI if available.
Summarize findings of article
Summarize the key points of the selected peer-reviewed scholarly professional nursing journal article in one or two paragraphs.
Be clear and concise.
Discuss how patient outcomes in the selected setting could be improved by certified nurses.
Discuss how certification can impact leadership skills in the selected setting.
Identify a problem (diagnosis) based on your assessment
Important: The problem you identify will be utilized in Parts 2, 3, and 4 of the Direct Care Project.
Write the problem diagnosis (See template)
Submit template through the Submit Assignment button on this page.
Direct Care Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis Template (Download here)Links to an external site.
Best Practices
Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.
Use the template provided. If the template is not used, a deduction will be applied. See rubric below.
Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission. 
Use the rubric as a final check prior to submission to ensure all content is clearly addressed. 
Scholarly Sources and Citations
One reference needed
Cite reference in APA format.


Approximately 250 words


Maternity Child

Create 4 infographics related to the following:
June Colbert a 27-year old woman presents to your clinic for education regarding:
Preconception/ Contraception Education
Menstrual cycle Disorders/ Breast problems
Utilizing free software like create 4 infographics on the topics above:
Provide patient education
Include at least 5 different items and pictures for each part of the topics for a total of 10 (i.e. 5 on preconception and 5 on contraception)
Utilize images and brief verbiage on each of the infographics.
Include APA formatted in-text citations and references
Additionally, a good infographic has few words. Include a short script with the verbiage you would say when educating your patient.
Post your completed infographics and script to the dropbox for module
Assignment Expectations-
Length: 5 different items and pictures for each part of the topics for a total of 10;
Structure: Additionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides, include a script with the verbiage you would say when presenting; script should be a minimum of 50 words per slide.
References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.


Approximately 250 words


This is two topic discussions. Please, Follow the instructions at the bottom.

Discussion 1
What are the methods a nurse can use to gather cultural information from patients? How does cultural competence relate to better patient care? Discuss the ways in which a nurse demonstrates cultural competency in nursing practice.
Discussion 2
Discuss why nutrition is a central component in health promotion. What are some of the nutritional challenges for emerging populations? What roles do nutritional deficiency and nutritional excess play in disease?
Note: 2 citations and 2 references for each discussion


Approximately 250 words


Reply to Discussion Post

Middle Range therory.
by Liz Acosta Ojeda – Friday, January 13, 2023, 1:40 PM
Internal and External Criticism that is Used to Evaluate Middle-Range Theories
Both internal and external criticism is crucial in middle-range theories. They provide comprehensive information concerning the theories’ logical soundness and utility in nursing practice (Dugin, 2018). Evaluation of middle-range theories is an ongoing process that involves reviewing and updating the theories as new research and clinical evidence emerge. Internal criticism involves the evaluation of the coherence, empirical support, and logical consistency within a theory. It includes an assessment of the specificity and clarity of the theory’s concept and propositions. In addition, internal criticism may include the logical connections between the concept and propositions of the theory. External criticism is the assessment of the relevance, usefulness, and applicability of a theory in the real world (Liehr & Smith, 2017). It involves examining the ability of the theory to guide nursing practice, generates testable hypotheses and predictions, and be integrated with research and other theories.
The purpose of internal criticism is to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the theory and to identify any inconsistencies that could detriment the applicability of the theory (Dugin, 2018). This process is essential for the development of sound and valid nursing theories and the advancement of the nursing profession. A comprehensive literature review is necessary to facilitate the assessment. The review would include a comprehensive analysis of the theory’s literature base, structure, and core assumptions (Liehr & Smith, 2017). In addition, the objectives and stated goals of the theory are analyzed. Once the primary elements have been identified, a more detailed analysis of the theory’s internal structure and content is undertaken.
The important component of internal criticism is the assessment of internal validity and logical consistency of the theory. It involves assessing the ability of the theory to explain the relationship between concepts and to make predictions about a phenomenon. A theory that cannot explain the association between concepts or produce legible predictions must be replaced or revised. Internal consistency can also be used to evaluate the scope of a theory (Liehr & Smith, 2017). This involves examining various phenomena that theory can explain and the extent to which the explanation is valid. Another important purpose of internal criticism is that it helps evaluate the usefulness of a theory in nursing and the extent to which it can assist in developing evidence-based practice.
On the other hand, external criticism is an assessment of a theory from an evidence-based perspective. The process is majorly to identify flaws in the theory that may demand additional refinement of development (Dugin, 2018). In addition, the process helps identify possible areas of the application of the theory in other disciplines. This is a powerful tool for assessing middle-range theories in nursing. It helps researchers to understand the flaws in theories which facilitates improvement.
Dugin, E. (2018). Middle range theories in the research of information and communication media systems. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, (1), 55-70.
Liehr, P., & Smith, M. J. (2017). Middle Range Theory: a perspective on development and use. Advances in Nursing Science, 40(1), 51-63.


Approximately 250 words


Theory, Research, and Practice

During the course of your practice as a staff nurse on a medical-surgical unit, the nurse manager and unit-based council state that discharge teaching for postoperative patients will now include information pertaining to wound assessments, care, and dressing changes (as needed). The basis for this change stemmed from an increased number of postoperative re-admissions with wound infections in the last quarter. The unit-based council performed a review of the literature and has decided to implement a discharge teaching plan that will include specific information addressing wound care.
Step 2 Research your problem.
Identify one research article pertaining to this problem (the article must be from nursing research from the United States, which was published within the last five years from a peer-reviewed journal). Suggestions for finding an article include use of the library and journal articles posted to the Internet. Be certain not to use any Continuing Education articles as these are not research/peer reviewed articles.
Step 3 Review aspects of theories and conceptúal models.
Address the following topics in your paper:
• Consider the various aspects of a theory and nursing conceptual models.
• Consider the purpose of research and how theory and research work together to support evidence-based practice.
• Think of how theory and nursing conceptual models could be used to reflect on the problem described above in nursing practice.
Step 4 Write a two-page (500-word) paper in APA 7.0 format style.
Write a paper that analyzes the importance of theory, research findings, and practice as it relates to evidence-based research. Then, using the above scenario and the article you identified in Step 2, summarize how the aspects of a theory would help support evidence-based research into the problem described in the scenario. Also, describe which nursing conceptual model would be appropriate for researth into this problem and why. Be sure to cite all resources used to complete this assignment. Include a reference list that reflects all the resources cited.


Approximately 250 words