Business and Management

Hypothesis Tests & ANOVA

SLP Assignment Instructions *Complete First*(Templates and Support Documents are Attached:
Two Sample Hypothesis Tests
Writing & Testing Hypotheses
Is job satisfaction in our industry the same for both genders?
We will look at Job Satisfaction and Gender for this analysis.
First, we write out the hypotheses:
(Null Hypothesis) H0: μ1 – μ2 = 0
(Alternate Hypothesis) H1: μ1 – μ2 ≠ 0
H0: Males rate job satisfaction the same as females.
H1: Males rate job satisfaction differently than females.
You decide to test this at the α = 0.05 level, using a t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances. Run this test in Excel and interpret the results.
p-VALUE approach (use the wording to reject or fail to reject the Null hypothesis)
Given that the p value (xx) is greater than the alpha (.05), the Null hypothesis cannot be rejected, therefore there is no support for the Alternate Hypothesis that (paste Alternate Hypothesis)
Given that the p value (xx) is less than the alpha (.05), the Null hypothesis is rejected, therefore there is support for the Alternate Hypothesis that (paste Alternate Hypothesis here)
Discuss implications for management. Research and find out if there are studies that make connections between the variables you tested.
Make industry connections with the research from IBISWorld. Include workplace applications that may be implemented based on the findings.
*Repeat the same testing for:
Intrinsic Job Satisfaction
Extrinsic Job Satisfaction
Organizational Commitment
Case Assignment Instructions:
Wording for ANOVAs:
(Null Hypothesis) H0: There is no difference in Survey Measure by Demographic.
(Alternate Hypothesis) H1: There is a difference in Survey Measure by Demographic.
Based on what you discovered in Analyze Data, see if there are differences in the four survey measures by one demographic (other than gender).
*Insert Chart in Word.
Describe the findings.
*Write the Null & Alternative Hypotheses.
*Run the ANOVA Test, α = 0.05 level.
*Reject or Fail to Reject the Null Hypothesis. *
*Discuss implications for management.
*Research and find out if there are studies that make connections between the variables you tested (or similar ones).
*Make industry connections with the research from IBISWorld. Include workplace applications that may be implemented based on the findings.
*Run a total of 3 ANOVAs for this assignment.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Small Business Management Report #2

Report #2
The purpose of report #2 is to describe how the individual you interviewed for report #1 (or someone else) manage their small business (under 25 employees). Use the following as the focus of your interview. In the report use the following questions as section headings (convert to declarative statements).
Situation/Purpose: Identify the company and identify the three most significant management challenges in operating the business. How did the owner deal with each of these challenges?
Describe the type of goals the owner set. If measurable learn why uses measurable goals. If not measurable, learn why the owner chose this type of goal. If no goals were identified learn why the own chose not to set goals. See the scoring rubric to guide you in responding.
What are the different ways the owner evaluates the financial performance of the business (3 or more methods)? Learn if the owner uses formal financial statements (e.g., budget, cash flow, income statement, etc.) Learn which statements are used, the frequency in which each statement used is reviewed and how the owner uses the financial information to manage the business. If none of these ideas apply, ask how the owner keeps track of the financial performance of the business. This is an important question to answer.
Identify and briefly describe five of the most important personnel policies (formal and/or informal). What makes these policies important to the owner? Explain.
Identify and briefly describe three of the most important customer service policies (formal and/or informal). What makes these so important? Explain.
Identify and briefly describe five factors that contributed to changes in the business over time. How did the owner deal with each of these issues?
Has the owner added additional product categories or services (or both) over the years? Identify and briefly describe each (minimum of three). Learn the reasons for selecting each category or service.
Provide two or more conclusions. These are your thoughts regarding what you learned.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

principles of supply and demand

Choose a product that you think illustrates the principles of supply and demand. It could be something like a Lamborghini that has a very limited supply and a great demand that makes it expensive. Or it could be something like a calculator that used to be very expensive but has become cheap because of trends in technology.
Give a brief overview of the company that makes the product. If the product is made by multiple companies, just choose one of them. Respond to the following:
What does the company make?
What value does this product provide to consumers? Why do they buy it?
Explain how the product can illustrate the law of supply and demand.
Which of the following six external forces in the readings do you think most affects the balance of supply and demand? Describe the effect it has. (For example, the technological environment made the chips in calculators cheap, and the low price increased demand.)
economic environment;
legal environment;
competitive environment;
technological environment;
social environment; and
global environment.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Ethical decision making and hiring

Include an abstract
3-page BODY of the Paper
For this assignment, you should focus on the reading material for week 3 AND use our library for research and support.
The paper should focus on the following:
The body of your paper: (3 Pages total BODY in length)-Your thoughts should be supported with relevant course content and library research.
Explain the differences, importance, and purpose of both the code of conduct and the code of ethics. Secondly, tell me about some of the factors that you would use to make ethical hiring decisions in an organization. Why would these be important to include in the hiring process (Example of things that you might include: Legal Ground Rules or other items in our reading material or library that would be considered in the process). Format: APA Paper (With an abstract).


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

9-2 Project Submission: Strategic Planning Proposal

I got an F on my final project and need help with improvement.
I upload instructions, replies from the professor, the final assignment, and the rubric.
*** The Executive Summary Should have been a word document not a part of the PowerPoint**** I messed up


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Blue Cross Blue Shield

Develop Outline for Final Capstone Project that will be 15-20 pages:
Prepare an outline for the final project you will turn in at the end of the class. The outline must include a cover page, an abstract or executive summary page, the body of the paper begins with the title of the paper and then an introductory paragraph followed by the seven major sections of the paper to be covered through the class. After the seven major sections there must be a heading called Conclusions with Recommendations and the final heading must be the Summary of the paper. The final separate page is the Reference list. The major sections are listed in the Week 1 instructions. In addition to the major sections, the outline must include some initial points under each major section based on the research you complete in selecting your minimum of 5 reference list items. Each reference list item must be cited in the sentences in the outline. The reference list items must be cited in the outline. There should be at least 5 references listed (in APA format 7th edition) that will be utilized throughout the writing of the paper. You must to read the five reference list items. One must be the most recent annual report for your public for-profit corporation.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Blue Cross Blue Shield

Capstone Project on Blue Cross Blue Shield
Turn in your complete organizational assessment. Be sure to update any section given the comments of the professor. After completing all sections, the final section and the conclusion should provide an opinion as to the overall assessment of the organization. There must be at least one key conclusion and one key recommendation for each of the 7 completed parts of the paper.
The 7th section of the financial analysis should analyze the following for the last five years:
The capital structure of the firm by looking at debt to assets ratio or debt to equity ratio
The profitability of the firm by looking at asset turnover, return on assets and any other profitability ratio that provides useful information
The cash flows of the firm through an analysis of the Statement of Cash Flows
The performance of the stock over the past five years, especially in terms of growth in stock price, dividend payout and dividend yield.
The performance of the firm should be compared to itself over the past five years, and to their main competitor.
The analysis should be between 3-4 pages, and any charts or graphs that enhance the presentation should be utilized.
The paper should be 15-20 pages not counting the cover page and reference list, but not much longer. Sections can be edited down any extraneous or duplicative information should be removed.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

global HR

Your organization is going to be expanding globally. Select two (2) countries of your choice. You will conduct research in which you
Identify and discuss, for each country, the customary benefits organizations provide their employees in those countries.
In your discussion, compare these countries with what organizations in the United States provide employees.
Topics to include in your comparison will include, but not limited to, health insurance benefits, wages, and paid time off. When sharing and comparing the countries, make sure you include information as to why. For example, if the income tax rate is extremely high, organizations might tend to offer X benefit.
Next, you want identify what these countries might do better and what might US organization do better.
Finally, make a recommendation as to 1) which country your organization should consider entering and 2) what benefits and wage practices would you recommend and would these benefits be the same as to what you offer employees in the United States.
Please keep in mind that what you provide in your paper must support your recommendations. For example, in France, if you take public transportation to and from work, the company must pay 50% of their monthly transportation pass. This is something that might work for your organization here in the United States, especially in larger cities that encourage using mass transit, but you need to make sure you explain why if you did not already share this in the body of your paper.
Prepare your research project this week as if you are preparing to present your findings to a HRM Benefits Counselor.
Submission Instructions:
Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least five (5) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources), format your work in proper APA format, include an abstract, cover page, a Reference section as required, and a minimum of 6 full pages of double spaced written content. Be sure to cite all listed references properly in text in accordance with the APA manual


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

please check the instruction for question. Thank you

Complete the Week 2 discussion prompt.
The following patients have come to your hospital. Choose one of the following patients and discuss their insurance options. Support your ideas with at least one scholarly source other than your text, and use terminology you learned this week. Cite and reference your sources using APA Style.
Sam, an elderly man, rear ended a motorcycle. Sam received only minor injuries, but was brought to the hospital.
Steven came to the hospital for care, but his insurance does not have a contract with your hospital.
Julie is upset and believes she is being overcharged—her insurance did not cover all the services that you provided.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

please check the instruction for question. Thank you

After you read the assigned chapters and complete the interactive lesson and compliance officer scenario for this week, address the following:
Name and describe two components of a compliance program you believe are the most essential for either a small suburban hospital or a large inner-city hospital complex. Why is it important to consider Federal Sentencing Guidelines when deciding compliance components? Justify your responses.


Approximately 250 words