Business and Management

Retirement Planning

In your own words (no direct quotes), clarify the difference between qualified and non qualified retirement benefit plans.
In your own words (no direct quotes), clarify the difference between defined benefit and defined contribution plans.
In your opinion, does one retirement plan serve to protect the retirement interests of participants than the others? Why?
Would you prefer a defined benefit plan or a defined contribution plan? Why?


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Corporate Reports

While it seems that college forces you to write endless research papers and focuses on the importance of citing your sources…why do you need to know all of this? Even in the corporate world, you will need to know how to research your topic and put together a well written proposal. The purpose of this week’s discussion is to find a corporate report and discuss the research required to create that report. Do a search for “Corporate Social Responsibility Report” on your search engine of choice. Do your best to choose a company that hasn’t already been mentioned in the discussion. As a consumer, are you convinced that this report is well supported with research or are you reading about an individual opinion? Is the information that the company used relevant to the point they are trying to make? Is the report well written and easy to follow? These questions are guidelines, please feel free to elaborate in your responses.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

When do social media activities and online brand communities affect the corporate brand

prepare a critical literature review of the topic based on their research of the relevant scientific literature.not longerthan6.000 wordsper studentincludingtitle page, figuresand references. Please try to offer a neutral, differentiated (pro & contra) discussionof your topic. (Personal) opinions can be included but only as a logical result of the discussion – and not as a prejudice. Keep in mind that you are writing a report in business economics, so try to embrace concepts, perspective and language of business economics (even if your sources do not do so!). General idea (i.e., is the chosen topic interesting for marketers?) and introduction (i.e., motivation/illustration of the relevance of your chosen topic)(Theoretical) background of your literature reviewIdentification of relevant scientific literature (i.e., literature search)and literature analysisDerivationof management implicationsout of your critical reviewGeneral Structureof your report (e.g., agenda, central theme, layout)Usage of scientific literature. IntroductionRelevance of the problemDescription of the problemAnalysis of the possible perspectives on/solutions tothe problemProblem statement and research questions/hypotheses Preconditions for carrying out the study and delimitations Clarification of use of concepts/important definitions, Choice of theoretical framework if relevant Choice of general methodology (survey, experiment etc.)Structure of the report2.Theoretical backgroundDescription and analysis of relevant theory and empirical findings by othersOften results in a detailed need for information3.MethodHow the need for information will be/was coveredResearch design4.Results –possibly in several sections Description, validation and cleaning of the data from the studySection(s) with results from the analysis/analysesSumming up of the results from the analysis sections 5.DiscussionOf method (How certain are our results? Where do we know of shortcomings?)Of the results (What have we learned? Are the results as expected? How do they differ? Do we have explanations for that?)6.ConclusionWhat can we, based on the results from the study and thediscussion conclude regarding the research questions?What is the answer to the problem statement?Putting the results into perspective –possible generalizations? Possible implications for business and for future research.Did we find new issues that we had not foreseen? List of referencesAppendices.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management


The aim of reading notes is to help you read critically and actively – to be engaged in the
work. You will find this tool essential in graduate school so it is here we begin the habit.
The reading notes assignment is evaluated using the level-five evaluation criteria noted
below which then translates into the point value of the assignment. The reading notes will
generally be aligned with a specific article provided for you in our Resources folder.
Readings Notes will follow the following format:
 Two-page, single space, block format, justified margins, 10-point font
 APA bibliographic citation of the work as your ‘title’
 Your name, course, section number and date at the upper right
• Thesis – identify the central lesson the author is trying to teach
• Central pillars – define and discuss at least three major learning outcomes
• Discussion – reflection on the article impact on the future manager – in other words,
why does this reading matter


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Solve the critical thinking activity of Ch 18 from book Quality ManageMent for organizational excellence introduction to total Quality

SPC Review
Review the section “Statistical Process Control Defined.” Explain how environment and the Five M’s can affect processes used in the following:
A hardware store
A hospital
An accounting firm
A newspaper
A factory
A new-car dealership
Explain the relationship that exists between the histogram and the control chart.
Contrast the histogram’s characteristic of representing a “snapshot” of a process with a control chart.
Defend the statement that the operator of the process should be the owner and data plotter of the control chart, as opposed to a person from quality assurance or engineering, for example.
Comment on the significance of this statement: “Control chart parameters must be statistically derived and cannot simply be specifications or some arbitrary values that are based on production expectations.”


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Course operation management

Your response for the major project might vary in form. Most students will likely choose to create a Word document and write a full-length report. There is no minimum requirement on the length of such a report – but you should feel like you have covered the topic. You might also choose to send me other types of response materials, if useful.
All responses must include at least a single-page executive summary and a detailed list of references. The executive summary should be a complete report all on one page. The references can be in any style, but they should include all your sources, including personal interviews, if any. Your work should indicate a depth and breadth of research in the topic. Many of the options below could be satisfied by “telling a story” – but the story should be augmented by your reflections, and your reflections should be augmented by your scholarly research into general theory and into the experiences of other firms.
If you need help finding good material to read so that you understand more about the assignment you choose, please do not hesitate to ask me.
The “ideal” response would be a piece of work worthy of being published as an HBR reading or HBS case study. Not that I actually think you have time to produce such a product between now and the due date – just think of it as the highest possible goal.
LARGE ASSIGNMENT OPTION #3. Lean improvements
Create an action plan for Lean in an organization you choose. Either pick an existing process that could be “leaned”, or describe how a new process could be created using Lean principles. Your response should show that you understand the measures typically used in Lean, and the usual steps involved in applying Lean principles.
You can use Lean in a service organization. It does not have to be manufacturing.
If you choose this option, I strongly encourage you to also do the “7 Wastes” and also the “Toyota Case Study” for your “small” assignments, so that you understand more about Lean.
Please remember: I do not care if you use the word “Lean” in this description. The word “Lean” was pushed forward by James Womack, author of The Machine that Changed the World. It is the most commonly used word to describe the Toyota Production System. Toyota does not use the word Lean themselves, and if you dig around you will find many people who try to avoid that word when talking about Toyota’s methods.
People who practice these methods might call them instead: “Kaizen”, “JIT”, or “Toyota Production System”.
Thank you for giving me the plagerism at the end of your work
and mention the sources


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management


Your essay must be at least 1500 words (approximately 4-5 pages). Microsoft Word has a word count feature, and you can usually view the word count in the bar at the bottom of Word. If necessary, search Google for help on how to view the Word count in Microsoft Word. Please download the attached template, which contains additional instructions (and make sure you follow all instructions in the template!). The template document is also formatted correctly for your essay, so you are encouraged to write directly in the attached document (replacing the paragraphs of instruction with your paragraphs addressing each section). Also note that the template is organized into the specific sections you are required to write about in your essay. Please leave all centered sub-headings in the essay, and do not change the wording of them — they are important for organizing your essay and facilitating grading by the rubric.
Please write only in your own words. You are encouraged to read various sources to learn more about your information system, or about information systems in general, but due to the brief length of the essay, you are discouraged from directly quoting from your sources. Instead, explain what you learned from your research and what you know from your own experience with the system, in your own words. List the references you consulted in your research at the bottom of your essay in APA format (minimum of 3 references).
In Analysis Essay #2, you will address the following: 1) a brief reminder of the name and purpose of your chosen information system, 2) description of networking, communications, and security components of your information system, 3) impact of the information system on the users and/or the organization, 4) competitive analysis of the system, including how the system helps users and/or the organization address its business processes (or personal tasks, if not a business system) 5) 3 well-developed recommendations for improving and enhancing your chosen information system, and 6) conclusion. Specific details about what to include in each section can be found in the attached template.
Your essay will automatically be checked for plagiarism by TurnItIn. There must be no more than 15% similarity to sources to receive credit for this assignment.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

My business Management approach is to work along side my subordinates rather than over them

Throughout your dissertation journey, you will have to write many academic papers that meet APA current standards. Earlier in this unit you had the chance to lean and review APA formatting. Utilizing current APA formatting requirements, prepare a double-spaced research paper describing your personal view on management and leadership philosophy. This paper should be related to your own experience and include relationships between theory and practice. Remember to utilize peer-reviewed references to support ideas expressed in your paper. CUW electronic resources can be accessed via the Rincker Memorial Library. Your paper should address the following points.
Explain how your professional view of leadership and management, and how they align with scholarship.
Describe characteristics, traits, values, and competencies that align with successful business leaders.
Explain how the scholarly study of leadership and management is important to business organizations (healthcare and non-profit is also appropriate)
Important Note:
For this assignment use the PsycInfo database for an empirical article in your field of interest.
PsycInfo is an authoritative database providing interdisciplinary coverage on most topics, and it should be used first.
Following PsycInfo, students can find subject-specific databases at the DBA Program Database page along with the CUW library research guide page (
It is important to note that some of the library videos reference “Primo” which is CUW’s general library search engine. Primo is suitable for most students and programs, but given the specific need to find and use empirical research articles, it is necessary for doctoral students to use a Subject-Specific database. The DBA program suggests students use PsycInfo as one of the main empirical research databases.
Writing Requirement
Minimum of 5 double-spaced pages. The cover page and reference page(s) do not count for the page minimum.
Follow current APA formatting requirements
Include a title page
Include a minimum of 5 appropriate scholarly resources
The assignment will be graded per the Assignment and Program Assessment Rubric.pdf Assignment and Program Assessment Rubric.pdf – Alternative Formats
Submit your assignment by Sunday, 11:59 PM (CST) during week 1.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Use of Social Media on Business

I would need a Power Point presentation for Critical Thinking and Research course. Presentation should be about 1 or 2 local businesses in town called Barsnley in the UK and how are they using Social Media.
I will attach assignment brief and Power Point template.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

my desired industry is the aircraft industry of canada

Applied Research Paper on an Industry: 35%
For an industry of their choice, students will analyze the industry based on the following items. The choice of industry must be approved by the instructor.
o Internal Rivalry within the industry
o Potential Entrants into the industry
o Suppliers’ Market Power
o Buyers’ Market Power
o Substitutes and Complements
The format of the research paper is APA format. All reference must be cited. The length of the paper is 15-20 pages double-spaced. An executive summary must be included in the paper.
Thank you for giving me the plagerism at the end of your work
and mention the sources


Approximately 250 words