
Work for a Research Paper

Answer the prompts in the word document that I have attached to the order. I have answered a few of them already, so I just need help withe rest. I am not able to view the full texts, so please refer to the bracketed text in the assignment for the further instructions. These are the instructions given for the assignment by my professor:
I. Literature Review: In this part of the assessment you will analyze existing research in the field to understand how the field of cognitive psychology has changed over time, how researchers have designed research to study cognition, and how issues of ethics have historically been addressed in the field.
A. Summarize the claims made by the authors of the existing research in the field regarding the key aspects of cognition. In other words, what conclusions have the authors of the research reached about the important aspects of our cognitive capabilities? For example, what claims do the authors make about memory, attention, or perception? What claims are made about problem solving, language, and critical thinking?
B. Summarize the claims made by the authors of the existing research in the field regarding how cognitive processes influence human behavior. In other words, what conclusions have the authors of the research reached about how key aspects of cognition influences our behavior?
C. Explain how the view of cognition has evolved over the history of cognitive psychology. Be sure to support your explanation with examples from research.
D. Explain the conclusions you can reach about research in cognitive psychology. In other words, explain what we know about cognition, based on your review of the existing research in the field. Be sure to support your analysis with examples from research to support your claim.
E. Describe the specific research designs used in the existing research in the field, and how these designs are used to address research questions. For example, what were the specific methods used to address their research questions? What type of research design was used?
F. Explain how research designs were used by authors to conduct research in cognitive psychology. In other words, how did the research designs used by researchers help in conducting research regarding cognitive psychology?
G. Discuss how issues of ethics have been addressed in the existing research in the field. For example, how did the authors inform the participants of what the experiment would entail? How did the authors account for any potential risks to participants associated with the study?
H. Discuss how issues of ethics in cognitive psychology have been viewed historically. In other words, how have issues of ethics in the field been viewed over time? Has this view changed as the field has progressed? Be sure to support your response with examples from research to support your claims.
II. Research Plan: In this part of the assessment, you will analyze existing research in the field for how the field of cognitive psychology has changed over time, how researchers have designed research to study cognition, and how issues of ethics have been addressed historically in the field.
A. Identify a gap in cognitive psychology research that is unexplored or underdeveloped. For example, is there an unexplored aspect of cognition you believe could be further explored? (Relate it to the research question/topic)


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Personal statement questions

Are you availble to answer 2 questions questions?
Instructions: Answer the questions below in a double-spaced response. Responses should demonstrate your professional judgement and critical thinking. Failure to address all prompts will affect your overall application.
1. Draw from your own paid employment, volunteer work, or personal experiences to provide examples of how you handled situations as noted in (a) and (b) below. Make sure not to use names or information that might violate the confidentiality of the individuals you decide to use in your descriptions. For both (a) and (b), be sure to explain how you may have grown or learned from the experiences you describe.
a. Cleary describe a situation where you were confronted with a value or ethical dilemma. (500 words) How did you resolve it? What were some of the factors you considered in making your decision? If you have never confronted a value or ethical dilemma, on what knowledge would you consider relying on to help you address and resolve one?
b. Discuss a difficult or dangerous situation you encountered. (500 words) How did you handle the situation? What would you do differently in the future and why? Are there any situations in which you would feel particularly vulnerable as a student? How would you expect the School of Social Work to assist your education and skill building concerns in order to handle that type of situation?


Approximately 250 words


Critical Traditions Paper

Select one of the five critical traditions that are described in Teaching for Critical Thinking I chose Critical Tradition # 5. Critical Theory: Speaking Truth to Power
Research outside sources about your selected tradition.
Write a two page paper explaining the role tradition plays in critical thinking.
Include a minimum of three references.
Format your paper consistent with current APA style guidelines.
Submit your paper as a Word document by Sunday.


Approximately 250 words


Mathematical Modeling Task 1

Below are the instructions for the assignment. I have included my first draft of the assignment as a microsoft word doc along with notes from my professor on the assignment about what needs to be adjusted.
A lake with a fixed carrying capacity contains a certain fish population. The fish population in the lake has a growth rate that is proportional to its size when the population is very small relative to the carrying capacity. However, when the fish population exceeds the carrying capacity, the growth rate is negative.
A. Write a differential equation that models the population of fish described in the Scenario section, defining all parameters and variables.
1. Explain how the differential equation models both conditions in the Scenario section.
B. Adjust the differential equation from part A to account for the following modification to the Scenario section: the fish are continually harvested at a rate proportional to the square root of the number of fish in the lake.
1. Explain why the adjustment to the differential equation from part B models the modification to the Scenario section.
C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
Professors notes on assignment submission:
“In part A, you have correctly analyze P/K and 1-P/K for both scenario. You would need to continue your analytic to kP(1-P/K) to finishing your discussion on how to reach the conclusion of the scenarios.
In part B. Note that the given scenario does not specific the proportionality constant for the harvest is the same as the growth proportionality constant. So you should be using the same variable for these two constants.”
Notes on A1. The work correctly noted that when P/K is close to one, then (1 – P/K) will be close to 1, and dP/dt is close to k*P. Also, it is correct that if P/K > 1, then (1 – P/K) will be negative. It is unclear how the two given scenarios (the population is very small relative to the carrying capacity, and the fish population exceeds the carrying capacity) are used in the discussion.
Notes on B. Subtracting an expression from the differential equation in part A has merit in adjusting the model. The work subtracted k√P from the original equation. Using the same constant k as the proportionality constant used in part A is inaccurate.
Notes on B1
It is correctly noted that a quantity that is proportional to √P is subtracted because when fish are harvested, those fish are taken out of the total fish population. The given explanation will be evaluated once the work provides an appropriately adjusted differential equation in part B.


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations

Case-Study in Ethics

Select an international organization that has recently been in the news for unethical behaviors.
Provide a brief background about the organization. Then, explain what unethical actions occurred in this organization. Detail the parties involved, settlement information (if applicable), etc.
Explain the direct and indirect costs that these behaviors/actions took on the individuals and the workplace.
Discuss how these issues could have been prevented through the use of HR policies and practices.
Submission Requirements
Write a 3-4 page paper (length does not include the required title and reference pages).
Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center Links to an external site..
Include a formal reference page.
While this is an individual paper, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.
You must support your analysis with at least three scholarly references which can include resources from this course. The CSU Global Library Links to an external a good place to find credible sources. You cannot use Wikipedia or any CSU Global assignment. For this assignment, a credible source is defined as:
a scholarly or peer-reviewed journal article
a government-based website or publication
a trade or industry journal article, publication, or website (including those from trade organizations, such as and


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Journal Assignment #1

The paper is for the course/subject – Industrial Relations in Canada. Detailed instructions and actual readings (3 articles) are attached. JOURNAL #2 ONLY.
Paper Format:
– Adherence to all academic standards and forms is expected. Of note are the use of
the third person in all assignments; the proper citation of sources; inclusion of
bibliographies; and the
use of proper spelling and grammar.
– All submissions are to use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced. APA 7th.
– Page numbers are required – their use greatly assists in quickly determining


Approximately 250 words


collaborative healthcare week 1

Reflection Question
Based on the results you obtained from the Foundation of Nursing Leadership self-assessment in Week 1 Lesson, reflect on the questions below and share in a post.
What is your current leadership style?
How does your leadership style impact your decision making in nursing care?
How will you further develop your leadership skills?
please add 1 reference


Approximately 250 words


See Instructions:*

Now that you have finished your research on your issue, you are ready to take a position. The first step is to create a preliminary thesis statement/assertion that explicitly states where you stand on this issue. Supporting your work with good reasons and substantial evidence is essential when taking place on an issue or topic. I would also like to ask you to consider other perspectives other than your positions. I think you should anticipate arguments against your work. If you have ever taken a debate class or have participated in a debate, you probably have heard this maxim: “If you can not make the opposing side’s argument for them. you will not win.” A strong argument acknowledges other perspectives on a topic/issue because it establishes the writer’s credibility by showing that the writer has done their research and has fairly represented their position. Presenting other perspectives also allows the writer to create a counterargument in which the writer can respectfully answer and refute those perspectives that challenge their work.
Your essay must include a title indicative of your article’s content.
For the Research Essay, there must be one consistent thesis throughout the work. I want you to know that the goal here is to present what you intend to argue throughout your career. A well-developed thesis for a Research Essay will accurately identify the final argument of the essay, telling the audience what to expect by the time the report is completed.
The essay should begin by providing a clear sense of the existing discourse community. The opening sections of the paper should take time to explain what initial experts and scholars have to say on the subject and provide a fit background to the existing conversation so outsiders can understand the context of the discussion.
The essay should develop the author’s solution to the issue, providing a solution built on the existing research. This solution should be sound (verifiable, valid, and compelling). The solution must be based on research material.
The essay should include opposing views (s) surrounding the argument; it is important to present your audience with current dialogue(s) against your claim. This section makes it easy for readers to infer, contingent upon an intelligent decision, to concede with your position versus being swayed by biased and weak arguments.
The essay should conclude by explaining the relevancy of the solution to the audience and identifying gaps in the research. Ideally, this should lead to a call to action for the next researcher, and I would like to identify the next steps needed.


Approximately 250 words


Stereotypes and Prejudice

This paper should be one page long, double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font, No extra space between paragraphs, and nothing but a title and the text of your paper.
You need to find an example from popular media (movies, shows, or books) or your life and analyze how the stereotypes and stereotype activation play a role in what happened. You must include concepts from both Module 3 and 4 to analyze what happened in the incident you describe. Make sure to use the appropriate psychological terminology in your analysis. Your submission should be free of grammatical or spelling errors demonstrating a process of revision to have a polished final product.


Approximately 250 words


Can you answer these questions

1- Explain what the Petzl ID is most used for in the tower industry and why.
2- When routing or installing ½” jumpers from the antenna to the RRU (Remote Radio Unit) on the tower top. At what measurements should the supports go from end to end, to properly secure the coax jumpe?
3- During demolition, of any structure, what are the main factors and needs before anything takes place?
4-Before the use of any harness, what are the steps to ensure it is safe to use?
5- What is the process for mounting a microwave dish?
6- A carabiner with a 23kn load rating, has a lift capacity of what in pounds?
7- Explain the steps in a proper weatherproofing of an RF line, (football).
A kern-mantle rope consists of how many parts?
8-Which one are the sheathing and the core?
9-Courtesy tape, or initial tape, before weatherproofing is for what reason?
10-Anti-panic devices, during control descents, are used in the tower industry for what reason?


Approximately 250 words